Monday, August 13, 2012


So when we went to Wisconsin I realized how much drama there is in my family. It surprised me because I had grown up with it my entire life. I also saw my biological father and I had so much fun. But after we left and he called me  he wanted to remind me of him being his father and saying the I'm amazing just like him. And other things just like that. Like that I'm such a pretty young woman. But the way he said those things sounded a little self centered even if he didn't mean them that way.

He was saying that when I finish high school that he wants me to live with him for awhile and then send me to a college, and he was naming off colleges that I had no idea about. I already found a college that I have been wanting to go to since I was 8 years old. I don't think I'm ready to give, take or, have room in my life for a third person.

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