Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Interview of My Best Friend

D= me
F= friend 
d: What are some of your hobbies?
f: Drawing, and listening to music 
d: What do you like to listen to? 
f: Gorilaz, RJD2, Wax Tailor, Kanon Wakeshima, 
d: Do you like your school? 
f: It's okay 
d: Do you have siblings?
f: Yes I have two brothers, twins 
d: Do you doodle and what do you doodle? 
f: Yeah I draw eyes and random manga people and occasionally a cat 
d: Do you like cats?
f: Well Duh you out of all people should know! 
d: Do you like to correct people?
f: Only to close friend so they don't take it seriously
d: What colors do you like best? 
f: Navy Blue, Silver, Scarlet, Black, and Crimson 
d: What foods do you like? 
f: Asian Noodles with a sauce, eggs and beef, also BBQ Brisket Burrito, also I love Raspberries 

d: That's it folks My Best Friend!

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