Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A Little Story Clip that Popped in my Mind

I'm so nervous I have to concentrate on my breaths. In through the nose and out through the mouth. The attendant pins a a wisp of hair from her face and smooths out her skirt.
"Are you ready Ms. Clemons?"
What will she say when that door opens? Will she recognize me or will she just think I'm a new client. Oh no my feet are going numb, but it's now or never.
"Yes, I I'm ready."
And with that the attendant opens the the door. The air being sucked away making it impossible to breathe. 
A petite woman with black hair sits in her chair reading and flipping papers. She glances up and with a swift motion stands up with a hand held out. 
"Have we met?" She questions lightly with a curious tone. 
I don't say anything. My numb feet now glued to the floor, I just stare at her. She is beautiful. Her greens eyes sparkle in a ray of sun that escapes a barrier gray curtains.
"I think so," is all that comes from my mouth.

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