I am one of those people who stick their own emotions in bottle and hide from everyone.
I am one of those people who take in others emotions.
And I am one of those people who doesn't know what to do with them.
The other day when I came home from school my dad asked, "How was your day?"
Which was something he normally asks. My answer was,"I don't know."
I usually don't know what I'm feeling anymore.
That's one reason why I'm glad we have four days left of school till the summer break.
My class is small, but their feelings are huge and I sit out of the class because I don't like their feelings because they are hate, feeling bad for themselves, greed, and many other ugly things deep inside.
Since I take in their emotions and don't protect myself from them I get more and more bottled up.
My very best friend the other day sensed bad things and to put it more simple evil the things I take in, from a girl in our class.
Well this is kinda my answer to your question awhile ago.