Monday, September 24, 2012


There is always a moment in your life or more where you think...

I wish I was better at sketching ,drawing, inking

I wish I was better at being open, not shy, cheerful all the time

I wish I was better at writing, poems, story's, emotions

I wish I was I open about singing, dancing, touching others, and not shying away from it

And so many other things.

But it takes awhile to get used to your surroundings who won't hurt your feelings if you express them.
I haven't spoken to anyone about whats been happening for the last month and I don't think I can verbally speak it that is why I have a blog. It makes it easier to speak out, and I can't worry about what  others think
I want to be honest in a nice way.

So for the very first time my parents fought and they have been together for 5 years so it was good for them to get it out, but I'm happy I don't have parents who argue all the time.
Also I feel that something will happen between my dear friend also known as B.F.F. and that it will happen soon. I give my honest opinion to her about her art and she is truly amazing when it comes to art, but if it's just a little negative I feel really bad and I would rather not lie to her.

I am really glad that there are some people out there who are willing to read my writing and understand it's hard to verbally speak out rather then writing or tying.
I just wish that the ones I talk to all the time would also read it too because part of the reason I made this blog is to make them understand better from my point of view.

I thank all who read my blog even if you don't like.

Monday, September 17, 2012


I feel as if so many people want to be around me this school year. But my dear friends don't want to be near me most the time. Two girls in my class that love comics and are best friends are so fun. One of them is like a ninja and she is so funny she just randomly does funny things.

Ever since I turned 14 I feel like everyone has been watching me more mainly the boys. My mom said it's because I'm getting older and and that I'm not a Mayflower which means I'm not a newbie anymore.

I slept over at a different girl's house with 2 other girls from or class. It really fun we tried on her really cute dresses and went in her pool.