Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Drama In My Life

The days have been going by fast and I'm growing older. It has some good moments and some bad ones I try to avoid. I don't know what to do though with this one drama in my life. Me and my best friend used to have a another person in our group and we called ourselves the 3 muscaters. This 3rd girl was very rude and we gave her a few chances to see if she stopped saying the mean things she said to us. She did it a few times and we got tired of it so we stopped hanging out with her and so now she is trying to push her way back to the group. I usually give people many chances, but that never worked and I was pushed down and hurt and eventually I built a brick wall to protect myself from people like that.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Best Friend

A best friend can make you smile and laugh with one word or a simple goofy face.
A best friend brings the light to you in the darkest moments.
A best friend give you confidence when your scared.
A best friend doesn't let you think your alone.
A best friend is always there for you no matter what.

For: My best friend Mira